Sunday, February 17, 2013

A tale of two...problems

Seriously it is almost March!  WHAT?!?!?!  Where did January and February go?  I feel like I slept through them, but judging by my calendar, bank account and exhaustion level I was clearly very alive during these last several weeks.  Life is living up to the ole "It only goes faster the older you get" saying that I heard my grandparents say my whole life.

Well lets see, a lot has happened in the last few weeks, where do I start. I guess I will start a little further back (don't worry I'm not going to the rehash the whole story and cry, and throw fits...I bet you got worried) I'm only going to head back to December.  In December, Travis and I decided to go back to the fertility doctor, just to see what our next step could possibly be.  After an exhausting visit, where we literally picked our doctors brain for over an hour and had more information then we bargained for, she mentioned that after looking at my chart, there were some abnormalities in my uterus that she wanted to do further testing on.  We questioned her about what they were and why they were there, only to determine that 1). there may or may not have been polyps in my uterus (these are completely harmless with no health risk) 2). she had no idea if they were really there or just artifacts of the ultra sound and 3) she had no idea why they had not been found earlier, because after all, these things take YEARS to grow.

So you may have guessed that we left there a little confused mixed with a little excitement (this was the closest thing to a "why" that we had gotten in almost 3 years) but most of all we left knowing that we had some things to pray about.  So we made our way through Christmas and New Years knowing that we had a lot about to happen in the near future.

 We finally got to the day of testing and I went in not nervous at all, it was strange, but I wasn't even the slightest bit worried.  I knew that God was in this!  After much poking and prodding, it was determined that I had a spot on my uterus that was described in super technical medical terms "like a packing peanut, just taking up a space"  glad that she explained it so well, lol.  She also went on to say, "they can be removed easily, they just go in a pluck it off."   PLUCK???  Really,  I mean the word pluck never sounds pleasant.  After my initial reaction to the plucking she explained it a little differently, which calmed my nerves and let me focus on the real thing at hand,  It seemed that for the first time WE HAD OUR REASON!  Let me say it again WE HAD A REASON!!!  An actual thing to pray about.  I know this seems silly, but to us it felt huge!  We were thrilled, in a very strange excited about a problem want to jump up and down, but know that would be super creepy and weird, given the circumstances, way.  This was an answered prayer. So the surgery was planned.  

To skip ahead a bit and spare you the details: 
As I sit here on my bed, recovering from surgery, I am excited to report that I did not pass out when  I saw the stitches in my stomach...only when I touched them, AND that all went well!  However
instead of "plucking" one packing peanut they plucked two.  These two packing peanuts (I sorda feel like a fed ex box explaining all of this) weren't just placed anywhere, they were placed directly in the exact shape and size of the opening of my tubes, which allowed nothing to pass by.  Now to most this wouldn't be a happy thing to find out that things were completely blocked, but to me it was amazing news!  It doesn't medically make sense that after having this similar procedure once before, numerous doctors visits, 2 IUI treatments and many more ultra sounds that one of these went unnoticed, much less TWO of them!  What doesn't make sense to doctors, make perfect sense to me, in Hebrews 11:3 if the world can be called into existence by Gods word, why can't packing peanuts?  

So basically what it boils down to is this, I wish I could say that I knew His timing, and I wish I could say that I will get pregnant from this tomorrow (well not exactly tomorrow...), but I can't.  What I can say is that I still hold the promises that God gave me very close to my heart, and I still believe that God is good all the time in His timing!  

We thank you for your continued prayer!  

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