I have been offered a full time position working at The Ark in a brand new department/area doing guest relations! This whole idea kinda came out of no where, our awesome youth pastor (Thanks John, I owe it to you for getting me thinking) starting putting the idea in my head, to work under him in the youth department, and after my initial response of (just being honest) ummm heck no, I'm not cut out for a church job. God quickly changed my heart and showed me little by little that this was my calling and exactly where I needed to I thought. I was so pumped up for this position when I got an unexpected phone call asking if I would be interested in interviewing for a different position. After, listening to the job description I said absolutely!
Now those of you who know me, know I enjoy a plan and time to work things out and make sure things are perfect and I look the part and all is good. So with this said, I was assuming that they would call me and we would set up an interview for the next day, or since this was Thursday, the next week. Which gave me much comfort. Then about 30 minutes later, my phone rang and I was thinking, oh wow that was fast but I can prepare tonight. NOPE! They asked me to come in that day! I calmly accepted the 4pm time slot and hung up the phone, and not so calmly internally screamed! Now what I should have done was, stop thank Him for the the awesome, amazing way He opened up doors for me. But the unfortunate truth is, I nearly panicked and fell out of a heart attack. This particular day, I was extremely tired and having one of those days when I just didn't really care what I looked like, so I hadn't washed my hair that day and to disguise the fact that I hadn't washed my hair
I decided I couldn't do anything about it, prayed about it, and got real excited! After arriving to the Church and interviewing I was more on fire then ever! I couldn't wait to see where we were going with this. Little did I know that in about 18 hours, I would be offered the position and a soon to be full time employee of The Ark Church in Conroe, TX!
So how excited are you? I am pumped!!!! I start February 13th and it can't get here quick enough!
Now with all these crazy life changing doors opening up, I really believed God was opening up more doors then just this one, and I believed that this was all happening and God had a divine plan and I would find out I was pregnant within the next few days of all of this! However, that was not the case, God does have a divine plan, but not for today. I quickly realized that, yet again, instead of praising God for this amazing thing He was doing, I was already moving on to the next thing. Isn't this the hardest thing about the culture we live in, we are always just instantly gratified and even that isn't good enough? WE, I sometimes feel that I can't seem to be pleased, I just move past one blessing to the next, and expect it, then stomp my feet when it doesn't happen. Well yet again, when God wants to make a point He does it. He has quickly shown me that I need to be still and wait. WAIT?! Ugh, I don't want to wait. I have tried explaining to God over and over that waiting really isn't my thing. And He continues to prove to me, that it is. But after reading my Project 345 ( reading and the scriptures and books I have been reading I was reminded just this morning the story or Sarah and Abraham:
Now Sarah was listening at the entrance to the tent, which was behind him.11 Abraham and Sarah were already old and well advanced in years, and Sarah was past the age of childbearing.
12 So Sarah laughed to herself as she thought, “After I am worn out and my master is old, will I now have this pleasure?”13 Then the Lord said to Abraham, “Why did Sarah laugh and say, ‘Will I really have a child, now that I am old?’
1415 Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.”
But he said, “Yes, you did laugh.” Genesis 18:10-15
When I read this, I was kinda taken aback and smacked in the face, so to say that, I don't want to be caught laughing at God! However, I feel that I have outwardly acted as though I believed it would happen, but inwardly I was wrestling with the belief that it would happen. This internal struggle has really kept me down, and I am taking a stand a admitting the stronghold that has been on me and taking a stand to break free! In the last few days, which have been a little hard on me, I have been shown over and over that nothing is to hard for God! I just need to be still and wait!
Because I am in Christ, the Greater One lives in me. He is greater then the devil. Greater than the disease. Greater than the circumstance. And He lives in me! -Kenneth E. Hagin